Our friend Steven Moe (Parry Field Lawyers & Seeds Podcastwill be in an on-line lunchtime Conversation with Matthew Luxon (Localised) on 27 April, 12:00pm to 1:00pm. All welcome. <Free Registration>

About this event

Take a moment to think about some of the bigger-picture fundamentals of community enterprise.

A growing number of people want to combine sustainability with having positive societal impact – what are the best legal structure options in New Zealand? How do charities, social enterprise and profit making companies interact best? What are the trends that are being seen and what might the landscape look like in 5 years? What is going on overseas and how might innovations like B-corps affect us here? In this session we will discuss the best legal structure options for impact, common pitfalls and key lessons learned.

Join us for a lunchtime conversation with Steven Moe (Parry Field Lawyers & Seeds Podcast) and Matthew Luxon (Localised), and tap into their knowledge and expertise.

Everyone is welcome.